Main Version preparation:
-Fix When NPC is acting, if NPC is in interaction distance, change intent to stop moving.
-Fix in the relics system.
-Fixed the formula for the chance of a physical critical attack in skills.
- Updated the quest chain.
-System messages have been updated.
-30% game client.
Essence Version:
-Fix When NPC is acting, if NPC is in interaction distance, change intent to stop moving.
-Fix in the relics system.
-Fixed the formula for the chance of a physical critical attack in skills.
-Fix corrected modification of rare accessories (it was impossible to modify on 6).
Fixed items:
- Hunter's Earring (Fixed the effect of Bonus MP Recovery, MP Consumption for the skill).
- Hunter's Earring (Modification corrected).
-Wild Wind Helmet (Soul crystal was not inserted).
- Crimson Flame Gauntlets (Soul crystal was not inserted).
-Scroll: Enchant Hell Island Ring Sealed (Didn't work).
-Stable Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories (Didn't work).
-Scroll: Modify Sealed Collection Book (Didn't work).
-Pet Earring (Modification corrected).
-Pet Ring (Modification corrected).
- Talisman of Aden (Didn't work properly).
-Blessed Talisman of Aden (Didn't work properly).
- Talisman of the Ruler (Didn't work correctly).
-Blessed Talisman of the Ruler (Didn't work properly).
-Change Start Bonus - Link
-System messages have been updated.
- Improvements to the relic system.
-Added to FreGame Treasure Chest - Scroll of Freedom.
Skill fix:
-Triple Dissection
-Triple Dissection Master
-Triple Cut Challenger
-Blade Charge
-Rising Attack
-Dance of the Storm Blades
-Wave of Blades
-Wrath of Blades
-Rapid Throw
- Tempered Body
-Battle Heart
-Blade Movement
-Cry of War
-Dual Weapon Defense
-Glorious Warrior: Enhanced Abilities
-Blade Impulse
-Unbreakable Seal
-Brave heart
-Battle Roar
-Lion Heart
-Rapid Throw with Blades
-Absolute Rising Attack
- Contender: Master
-Blade Sweep
-Cutting with Blades
-Blade Throw
- Tempered Body: Dual Wield
-Unbreakable Blade
- Illumination: Dual Wield
-Mastery of Restoration
- Heavy Armor Mastery
-Light Armor Proficiency
-Spirit of the Blade
-Potion Mastery
-Combat Stance of Cunning
-Ultimate Madness
-Master of the Fight
-Development of Life
-Blessing from Sayha
-Expanded Potential of Colors
-Power of the Profession
-Protection of the Profession
-Ability to Defend
-Ability to Attack
-Emergency Rescue
-Shock Mastery
-Increase HP
-Proficiency with Polearms
-Mighty Weapon
-Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery
-Life Force
-Fast HP Recovery
-Powerful Strike
-Powerful Shot
-Detect Vulnerability